Get Organized with Jodie
About Jodie Kitain
...the face behind Check'd:
Jodie is a reliable, hardworking and motivated woman who is good at getting sh*t done. She is capable of turning your "organized mess" into well... "organized"!
Jodie has an eye for organizing and a knack for productivity. She can painlessly and efficiently get you through your project but will never push you to get rid of something you don't want to. However, if you do want to get rid of stuff, she will donate your items for you. Leaving you with less work than you thought possible!
She has successfully gotten large space projects done in just one day and is prepared to work with your schedule.
With a bachelors in Psychology and Human Development from Binghamton University, Jodie understands both the difficulty and stress people can feel when it comes to creating and maintaining an organized home, room or space.
She is prepared to help in any way that she can, leaving you with an "after" that will relax your shoulders and put a smile on your face.

Marisa Varanelli
Organizing Consultant to the Consultant
Marisa is Jodies’ former college roommate who occasionally provides a helping hand if needed. They had to keep a small space organized for two years together in the dorm room so they already knew they would work very well together.
Marisa’s calm but efficient demeanor compliments Jodie’s go-getter attitude and the two can get huge projects done in half of the projected time- seriously, it has happened more than once! Marisa loves getting to know the clients, understanding their stories, and providing them with a peace of mind after a big project is complete.